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Oath of Love

In honor of the Green Bay (Mother-loving) Packers defeating the NFL’s version of the evil empire from Star Wars in the Dallas Cowboys. I figured it was appropriate to write the Oath of Love.

Oath of Love, 

 Oh, Jordan Love. Your specialty of throwing the ball (and running occasionally) is not like the other Green Bay Packers Quarterback (Yes including Aaron “Darkness Retreat” Rodgers and Brett “I love Mississippi” Farve). He is different, he is special, he is Love.

 Love and Romeo are a duo unlike any other. Shakespeare once wrote about love and a man named Romeo. So in the words of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo Romeo where art thou Romeo. Romeo is currently in the end zones of Lambeau Field (or in this week's case, the end zones of AT&T stadium) for the sake of the rest of the NFL thank you for beating them. 

 Love has made history with his Packing squad. The first Seven-seed to beat a Two-seed in NFL history. Love will continue to conquer all (of his NFL opponents and haters). 

 Now, in honor of Aaron Jones’ sombrero this portion of our oath will be delivered in Español. Aaron Jones es muy bueno corriendo con el fútbol americano. También Aaron Jones es muy guapo. Los Packers de Green Bay no son nada sin, Señor Jones. Los Packers son ganadores en el libro de mí. (This is what Four years of Spanish has gotten me in life).

 In summary of our Oath of Love, he may be the third generation of great Packers Quarterbacks. Love is following in the footsteps of Brett (Governor of Mississippi) and Aaron (Jimmy Kimmel's Fan Club Leader) Rodgers. Jordan is spreading something we can all use in our lives. And that is Love. 

 This letter is dedicated to the future New York Jet, Jordan Love (give it 15 years or so). Jordan Love is an amazing human being and I wish him a fruitful NFL career with many playoff wins in the future. 

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Brandon Farinaccio
Brandon Farinaccio
Jan 21, 2024

This is a great post and so very true. We need more posts about the underdogs! Love is going to have a great career and yes after the Pack get at least 1 Superbowl with him at the helm, he will inevitably be a Jet haha. Keep on writing!

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